This guy in a newer black Mustang was trying to show me who was boss today. Off the line I just let him go. Later I caught up, he took it up to 90+mph and I followed but then slowed down because its speed trap alley around that area. SO then he takes off again and probably got it up to 90, but this time I just stayed back. Sure enough there was a cop hidden in the trees......I was probably doing 10 over but he was likely 35 over. The cop was behind me when he pulled out for a short time so I was a little worried he was going to get me instead but he went around and got the other guy. I was fully prepared to lie and say, "officer, if we were really racing I would have been in front of him".
I have not had a ticket since I was 19......thats a frickin LONG TIME. But I have been pulled over at least 5 times since but have gotten off with warnings. :angel: My very first ticket was for racing my friend Chuck, the cop let me go with a 50 dollar ticket. How things have changed....
Today on my way out of town there was this Sherriff's van that might have been a camera trap and it may have gotten me, but I was not sure how fast I was going before hitting the breaks. Later I went back the same way but the van was already gone. This is getting ridiculous, there are cops everywhere.... olice: olice: olice: olice: olice: olice: olice: olice:
I have not had a ticket since I was 19......thats a frickin LONG TIME. But I have been pulled over at least 5 times since but have gotten off with warnings. :angel: My very first ticket was for racing my friend Chuck, the cop let me go with a 50 dollar ticket. How things have changed....
Today on my way out of town there was this Sherriff's van that might have been a camera trap and it may have gotten me, but I was not sure how fast I was going before hitting the breaks. Later I went back the same way but the van was already gone. This is getting ridiculous, there are cops everywhere.... olice: olice: olice: olice: olice: olice: olice: olice: