got the dash unit installed and working -- screen may be on the large size, protrudes a bit from the dash, but doesn't interfere with the shifter -- screen is big enough for an old man to see easily -- and willie, waylon, and jimmy buffet are happy with the setup --
the 1 step back is that one day last week the turn signals, hazard signals and brake lights stopped working -- fuses 1 and 9 are good, replaced the multi-function relay , no help -- the brake on/off switch passes -- with headlights on -- all the bulbs/lights work -- and we have reached the end of my skill set -- where do i go from here ?? many thanks for your thoughts and suggestions --

the 1 step back is that one day last week the turn signals, hazard signals and brake lights stopped working -- fuses 1 and 9 are good, replaced the multi-function relay , no help -- the brake on/off switch passes -- with headlights on -- all the bulbs/lights work -- and we have reached the end of my skill set -- where do i go from here ?? many thanks for your thoughts and suggestions --