Whats up too all my mustang and cobra brothers. Im getting together a car club dedicated to all year makes and models of mustangs/cobra's. The cost to join is zero dollars with no monthly membership fees. This club is strictly for those who want to get together on those nice nights in a certain location to park you car and mingle to meet new friends and talk about stangs. Be cool to rally up cruise the streets. I will be making a list/ catalog of tee shirts, sweaters, hats, car decals for those who are intrested. The name of the car club is D.O.S. (Definition Of Speed) Also would like to help out this forum and get more people to donate 2.50 - 20.00 bucks for some cool decals matt is selling and also to keep this sight around alot longer. I am talking to alot of people who will be potential sponsers for car parts, service etc. Good way for everyone to meet up and make new friends. Email me if your intrested with you contact info! Thanks