when im driving in town i feel the over drive just bogs my car down , do you guys feel the same about your auto trannys. so i drive in 3rd gear and it makes a big difference. when i slam the peddle in my car with the blower it seems like it hesatates when reving before it kicks into gear in over drive , give me some feed back for you guys who have blowers and auto trannys in your cars. i wanna know what your feeling when that blower kicks in with your auto set up . my tannys brand new so im just wondering if theres anything im missing here.i have the stock converter, the ? was brought up about a 2000 to 2500 stall converter , but my self and the mechanic called the tranny place , and the guys said if im not running a real radical cam theres no need for one of thoses converters.my cams a mild com cam, so pick this apart and tell me what ya think. thanks gil