98-5.0 said:
so then go ahead and run my cable inside the car....???my cable is the same size as the cables that are on the car now....is that a problem......and should i just tie into the original cables and just connect to them and run it back?
STOP. If you just run a cable the SAME size as stock, you're going to run into problems. The car may start when cold but when it gets hot (the starter gets heat soaked and actually becomes slightly harder to turn), you will probably run in to starting problems at the very least. Charging could be come an issue as well. The thicker the cable, the less resistance to flowing current it will have. The smaller in thickness the harder it is. This generates hot cables. The longer the cable, the more the current has to work to flow....again...generating more heat. If you extend cables or any wire for that matter, you should go UP in gauge (thicker). For battery cables, 00 is the best. Welding lead is the ultimate. More strands make is easier to manage as far as routing the cable and also flow current better.
As for where to route your cables, you CAN route the new cable to the fuse block under the hood so long as the cable going there is THICK enough. The best routing is from the battery DIRECTLY to the starter, the starter to the fuse box under the hood. Run the alternator cable from the alternator all the way back to the battery (minimum 2 gauge). Ground the battery in the trunk, and the engine block to the frame. You can never have too many grounds. IF you are going to run a kill switch, make sure it can flow enough current to handle your alternators output....150amps should do it. You need to put the switch in between the battery and starter obviously but in order to ensure the car is cut off when you hit the switch, put the alternator on the post of the switch that the battery is on other wise, you car will continue to run when the switch is tripped.
TIP: Put a small 3-5 amp fusible link across the poles of the switch. This will make it so when the switch IS tripped, your ECU won't clear itself out. IF you try to start the car with the switch off and that link in there though, it will blow the fuse....so keep some spares.
This is a no shit way to put it in. You will not have any charging problems this way and you can daily drive it.