So, I've an interesting discovery the other day. Below are two springs, one from QA1 (silver), the other is a Hypercoil (blue). Both are same length (10 inches), same rate (450lbs) and same inside diameter (2.5 inches). What's different is that QA1 spring has 10 coils, while the HyperCoil has only 7. This tells me that the metal in the QA1 is so much weaker than the HyperCoil, that they require more coils to achieve the same rate. This also creates another problem. Travel is cut down significantly. Since the springs will compress at the same rate, given that they are both 450 lbs, QA1 will bottom out first, since it has more coils, creating coil bind condition, and costing traction in that corner. I used to think that coilover springs were coilover springs. As long as the rate and length is the same, then the springs will be identical. I just found out that's not the case.