SN95 Experts, I need some help. Last summer I replaced the water pump on my '95 GT (5.0L) as it had started leaking at the bottom weep hole. Used a Fel-Pro gasket and Permatex Water Pump Sealant. Since then, I've been pulling my hair trying to stop leaks at other places around the front of the engine.
So far, I've replaced the thermostat gasket (with a new thermostat while I was at it), new lower radiator hose with new spiral clamps and most recently new bypass hose and heater hose, both with new spiral clamps as well. I was still getting a small allusive leak which I couldn't see in the area of the upper left side of the pump/thermostat housing. I 'borrowed' a pressure test kit from Autozone which helped me identify a small leak at one of the pump bolts which seems to have been corrected with some Rectorseal plumbing sealant. Retested again today and now I've got a leak at the thermostat bypass hose fitting. As the hose and clamp are new, I'm wondering if there's too much corrosion on the hosing nipple to allow a good seal (see photos). Any advice on this?
One other thing bothers me about the pressure tester as it reads 5 psi when there is no pressure in the system. So, therefore, I'm not sure what pressure I'm actually testing at.
So far, I've replaced the thermostat gasket (with a new thermostat while I was at it), new lower radiator hose with new spiral clamps and most recently new bypass hose and heater hose, both with new spiral clamps as well. I was still getting a small allusive leak which I couldn't see in the area of the upper left side of the pump/thermostat housing. I 'borrowed' a pressure test kit from Autozone which helped me identify a small leak at one of the pump bolts which seems to have been corrected with some Rectorseal plumbing sealant. Retested again today and now I've got a leak at the thermostat bypass hose fitting. As the hose and clamp are new, I'm wondering if there's too much corrosion on the hosing nipple to allow a good seal (see photos). Any advice on this?
One other thing bothers me about the pressure tester as it reads 5 psi when there is no pressure in the system. So, therefore, I'm not sure what pressure I'm actually testing at.