I'm getting ready to put the Bassani Mid-lengths on mine as well w/Steeda pullies so I'll let you know.
I researched the LT's for a LONG time before I finally decided. The pro's would be the better sound and minimal hp gains over the Bassani's. The con's were just too much for me. Less ground clearance, harder to fit with a stock K-member, slip-fit connectors that always seem to leak on the Hooker's and Flowtech's, with BBK's you have to pull a header to drop the tranny, a bitch to ever replace the starter, and general fitment issues. This is the reason I went with Bassani's. Fitment is awesome, quality is great, and price is right in line with other setups.
Are the BBK pullies the piggyback style? If so, I would steer clear from them. There are also far better kits for the same money than the BBK CAI. Unless you get a phenomonal discount on BBK products, look around some more.