People are such asses! Sorry to hear about it. I ALWAYS park out in the middle of nowhere---EXCEPT--- if one of my daughter's is willing to stay in the car to "guard" it, lol. Well, I did this at BestBuy about a month ago, cause I was only going in to grab a cd, so the daughter stayed in the car. When I came out, she said the guy in the SUV next to me hit my mirror, so I go over to her side, and there's red paint on it. I try not to be an ass about my car, (doesn't work tho!), so I tried the old rubbing it off with spit - didn't work. So I stood there and waited for him to come out. He came out with one of the employees helping him with something big, so I said I just wanted to get his insurance info, I thought I could get it off myself, but in the event I couldn't, I wanted to be covered. He refused to give it to me and made a big deal about how I was probably going to go home and beat the shit out of my mirror with a baseball bat to make a big claim! And the employee was agreeing with him! I couldn't believe it! I told him "look at this car, it's a seven year old car and looks brand new, why do you think that is? Because I take care of it and don't leave damage like this on it!" Ended up with me so frustrated and mad I just said "screw it, I'll take care of it myself", and he had the gall to try to tell me what a nice car it was and hit on me as I was leaving.
As if, even if I was single, I would date a guy who has no respect for another person's car! I hate people!
Sorry to rant, and good luck finding those lights...
(oh, and I did get the paint of, lol)