so today i cleaned my iac? not sure whats its called, my maf and took my throttle body off to clean(which i dont think i should have done) as well as plug in that other sensor on the cold air by the maf that i didnt have plugged in before... but anwyas, now when i am driving and idling the revs stay higher then normal 1100 or so or hang high when the clutch is in for a few secs but then eventually after 7sec's or so they will drop down to normal around 500 give or take.. i know ur not suppoed to clean the thorttle body cause of that seal that seals up the flappy thing when its closed... did i ruin it and thats why its like this? i was reading on here and said if idle is higher then normal then thats what happend and need a new thorttle body but since mine does actually idle normally after few seconds i am wondering if thats the problem? i left the batt un hooked for 30min to try and reset things but this probl still happends.. sorry about my terminology if its not too clear. any help would do thanks in advance!!! :dunno: