Ive replaced MC's on cars, trucks, and motorcycles, and ive never bench bled a single one. Im such a cool rebel like that. But in all honesty, I just think its only purpose is to speed up bleeding the brakes at the calipers. Yeh, I may repeat the process 4 times around the car without bleeding the mc before im happy, but im ok with that. But if u wanna bench bleed the mc, get bleeder fittings that screw into where the lines screw in. Attach hose to the bleeders and run it back into the mc. Fill the mc with brake fluid. Keep both lines submerged in the fluid in the mc, open the bleeders, and use something to push the piston torwards the front of the mc as if the brake pedal would work it. You should see air bubbles rise outta the fluid. Tighten up bleeders, remove hoses, and install the mc. When you remove the bleeder to install the line, fluid will leak out, but air will not get sucked back up in unless u hit the brake. Just remember, any piston that pushes, will also suck on the opposite stroke. Pushes fluid on the out motion, and want to suck it back on the in motion, bring air back in if it isnt sealed. There are my thoughts, but you too can be cool and a rebel like me if you soooo choose.