Snakebit said:And no my wife does NOT drive the cobra unless my ass is in the passenger seat, that is the LAW here. In the long run it saves what could be BIG arguments and hurt feelings between us. :rant:
sweetstang94 said:grounded... sounds more like a beating if she didnt learn the first time! well maybe not quite that drastic! but hey if you need a rear valance i have one that i need to sell! let me know!
94GtStAnG5o said:I forced mine to learn by buying her one. She's actually pretty good, very smooth shifts.
ALITL8 said:sweetstang94 said:grounded... sounds more like a beating if she didnt learn the first time! well maybe not quite that drastic! but hey if you need a rear valance i have one that i need to sell! let me know!
i'll keep you in mind... pm me with a price.
94GtStAnG5o said:I forced mine to learn by buying her one. She's actually pretty good, very smooth shifts.
hell, its just as much her car as it is mine... even more, her names on the title! we've been together for almost 10 yrs, she knows how to drive, shift, etc. but her backing up has gone to shit here lately! :dunno:
94GtStAnG5o said:Call me an :aresehole: But thats why I didn't put the wife's name the title when I registered the car here.
wow i thought i was bad!!!!!! way to go :thumb: im a start doing that too.i just been to chickenshit to actually say it.SRT Handz said:I will not let ANY Girl even come close to my drivers seat.......wont let them touch the keys.
I have dumped girls cause they slam doors.
Sometimes I take a girl to get some lunch and them come back to school but after we get the food i make them put it in to the eating in the stang!!!
I am such an asshole :thumb:
97vertstang said:wow i thought i was bad!!!!!! way to go :thumb: im a start doing that too.i just been to chickenshit to actually say it.SRT Handz said:I will not let ANY Girl even come close to my drivers seat.......wont let them touch the keys.
I have dumped girls cause they slam doors.
Sometimes I take a girl to get some lunch and them come back to school but after we get the food i make them put it in to the eating in the stang!!!
I am such an asshole :thumb:
Eastcoast5.0 said:Dude that is horrible. I'd flip my shit. Hope it works out.