Well i found out where the extra drain was coming from. It's on the maxi12 circuit. All I know is that its teh HD LPS which controls Exterior Lamps, I/P Fuse Panel.
So now, where do I got from here? How do I narrow this down some more?
Since the I/P Fuse panel was part of this circuit, I went and pulled every single fuse and circuit breaker out and checked the drain. It was still at 2.28.
So now what's left on the circuit to check is the "Exterior Lamps." How do I go about checking this out and where should I look?
I'm in desperate need of help here!
So now, where do I got from here? How do I narrow this down some more?
Since the I/P Fuse panel was part of this circuit, I went and pulled every single fuse and circuit breaker out and checked the drain. It was still at 2.28.
So now what's left on the circuit to check is the "Exterior Lamps." How do I go about checking this out and where should I look?
I'm in desperate need of help here!