Yes, well this get's into how much power you want to put down, and cost vs power gain.
I thought KB was only for cars with the PI heads, last time I looked.
If you look below they're numbers it says
"HP, torque and other boost levels are approx the same as 99-04 if late PI heads are used."
Do they make one that bolts onto NPI heads?
I've looked at all these options in debth for my car. Trying to find the best cost-effective way to get the most power.
The best NPI blower gains from a posative is from the saleen stage 2 or 3.
it is the eaton with a custom lower manifold.
But the lower manifold is restrictive, you're still looking at 320 rwhp tops.
I've followed alot of threads on it over the last few years. some guys have gone as far as acid etching the lower,
come to find out, the heads are the major restriction!!!
Allen - not worth mentioning.
Ford racing - too expensive for the 50 HP, i'ts just a baby eaton.
Sits low in the valley, same blower that Roush uses.
In fact a good friend of mine has an 01 roush, crower stage 3 cams, with the Ford racing eaton blower on his car.
He paid SVC 8K to put it on, took some custom brackets and machining, he has full exhaust and a very good tune.
He has about 380 rwhp. that's with PI heads.
there's some real feedback for ya.
It is cool how the pulley is down low, below the alternator, average guy wouldn't even think it was blown.
Are these blowers intercooled?
without it I doubt you could push 9# without retarding the timing quite a bit non intercooled.
Supporting mods will give you more gain.
As stated in my PI thread, if you just want low 300's, bolt all that stuff on baby.
you'll spend a pretty penny on it.
If you want more, PI heads are needed.
it's just fact.
I'd recommend adding up the options and comparing
Just wanted to clarify, Im in the same boat - dam HP is expensive!!