Well, apparently I paid a lot more for my car then anyone I've seen here. Back in Aug 2004, i paid 15k for my car. Had 23,000 miles, bone stock, and was freakin beautiful. It was significantly cleaner inside and out than both terminators they had in the show room next to it. (and those cars were good clean cars)
The manager told me it was the cleanest car they had ever bought from a customer. Then they told me a nice story about how the guy only sold the car because his wife threatened to leave him if he didn't. Apparently he loved the car a bit too much, and when ever they had a fight, immediately afterwards he would go to the garage and wax the car, so she felt he loved the car more than he loved her.
Anyway, they wanted 16,500 for it, at the time it blue booked at 13,900. I don't think I was riped too bad, and most people when they saw the car thought I paid too little. O well, sorry to ramble, but I felt I had to defend my cars price a little....maybe I love my car a lil too much too.
BTW car now has 50k on it, and I struggle to keep it anywhere as clean as it was in the showroom. That reminds me, I need to detail the engine bay again.
Anyway, my Cobra is by far the funnest car I've ever driven, (I've only driven 2 stangs though, mine and my sis's auto 05 GT), and I know this car will be in my will when I die, it will never be sold.