ALITL8 said:awwwwww... does he need a job?
p.s. where did you get the gas door? ive been looking for one and havent seen them for the 94-98 SN95... maybe i havent looked hard enough :dunno:
ylw95gts said:I don't remember where I got mine but I did find the same one at around the same price.
TxCobrA98 said:haha thats awesome! tell him next time to make sure he wipes over the spots where he puts his hands..
in like 10 years when i have a kid, "car" is going to be the first thing outa his mouth and hes going to be all about cars when he gets older. thats the way i was with my dad. when i was like 5, i could name every nascar driver on the track and i probably had over 500 hot wheels.. and whenever my dad was out doing the oil or something, i was fetching the tools for him.
your son looks like a good detailer by the looks of ur paint in the pictures.
Dalamar said:I think fingerprints come with kids.
I cant go anywhere without my rear windows getting printed up by the kids.
I even tell them "hands off the windows"
doesn't help, lol.