Ok, so here's a picture of my engine. The gloss black tube running from the intake where the throttle body bolts over to the output manifold of the compessor is the bypass. It comes standard with the 2.2L Blowzilla that I have and is optional on the 1.5L. I also posted a pic of my car up on the dyno, just for fun.
Mass air meter = MAF (mass air flow). Here's where you need to plan in advance. Ok, you are planning heads, injectors, and a MAF meter. You can get a MAF meter from Pro-M (good 80mm thats what I have), C+L, Granatelli, and SCT among others. I would recommend one in the 80-90mm range to support the extra flow from the heads and other improvements down the road.
What you are going to have to decide is how you will deal with hooking up the mass air meter to your existing CAI. That's where I am at right now. I also had/have whats left of a MAC CAI mated with an 80mm pro-m mass air meter. I decided to go the AFM Power Pipe route. I'm actually waitiing on it right now. Anyway it's something to consider.
Hope this helps.
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