He fellas, ive been looking around on forums, and i have seen our cars with out the sideskirts, and really im not a fan of them anyways. Do yall think it would look okay? Or are there holes that have to be welded up. Im unfamiliar with this.
The HID's are in and aimed. FINALLY. Aiming our headlights is the biggest pain in the ass.
I have come to the conclusion that horizontal tails are out of the question to go back on the car, as much as i love them, im going with the vertical tails, i have a new set arriving tomm that will be tinted and painted. Im so tired of fucking with the 5.0 tails ARG.
Im also still fighting this guy on the billet pieces, hopefully things will work out. not sure.
This weekend i plan on buying materials to make a RSD. I plan on cutting a logo in the back piece, then i will sandblast a piece of plexiglass and mount i ton the back, and i was thinking of making a box to mount on the back of the RSD in the trunk, and install 2-4 green neons, so when i go to car shows i can turn on the neons and the logo will glow.
Problem is what logo, i want it to have something to do with KB...
I was also thinking, do yall think it would be cheesy to get bullit floormats and trunk piece that says bullit, i mean i have a fast green stang on dark gray wheels....i dont know if it will come off as rice or not.
Sorry im a little drunk, its late and im exhausted, just throwin out ideas for yall to comment on.
The HID's are in and aimed. FINALLY. Aiming our headlights is the biggest pain in the ass.
I have come to the conclusion that horizontal tails are out of the question to go back on the car, as much as i love them, im going with the vertical tails, i have a new set arriving tomm that will be tinted and painted. Im so tired of fucking with the 5.0 tails ARG.
Im also still fighting this guy on the billet pieces, hopefully things will work out. not sure.
This weekend i plan on buying materials to make a RSD. I plan on cutting a logo in the back piece, then i will sandblast a piece of plexiglass and mount i ton the back, and i was thinking of making a box to mount on the back of the RSD in the trunk, and install 2-4 green neons, so when i go to car shows i can turn on the neons and the logo will glow.
Problem is what logo, i want it to have something to do with KB...
I was also thinking, do yall think it would be cheesy to get bullit floormats and trunk piece that says bullit, i mean i have a fast green stang on dark gray wheels....i dont know if it will come off as rice or not.
Sorry im a little drunk, its late and im exhausted, just throwin out ideas for yall to comment on.