Hi I was just wondering how many people on this site feel the same way about the SN model as I do.I bought my car in 05 a 98 GT I was previously driving a 96 V6. I could have gotten the 02 GT for just a little more.I bought my 98 knowing it was non PI.I didn't care about the horsepower difference I have to like what I'm driving, the 99 - 04's are nice too I just prefer the look of a 94-98. Anyways I thought I read a post yesterday where a guy said our SN-95's will never be as nice as a new mustang.To tell you the truth I don't care much for the 05-09 models.I like the 10-14 models better even so I still prefer the look of a SN especially after some aftermarket kits or a hood has been put on.And I have seen the 2015's they are nice but still liking the SN-95.If I got another mustang I would like to get a 93 and keep dreaming of a nice 68.The wife might be getting a new one I'll keep my SN.