
  1. TTSaleen

    6R80 conversion in 2003 Mach1

    After a few years, I decided to give the 6R80 another try but this time in my 2003 Mach1. It makes about 1/2 the horsepower of my TTSaleen so I thought it might work better. Overall view - Built 4.6 with 2.3 VMP Supercharger L+M cams Stock computer on E85 Previously had T56 magnum and made...
  2. TTSaleen

    6R80 conversion in my Mach1

    Update on the 6R80 conversion. Everything went relatively well. I forgot getting the trans in with the long tubes in place was quite the challenge! The only real issue I have is getting it to idle properly in gear and with AC running. I had to raise the base idle to 1100 and it helps. I need to...
  3. R

    6R80 swap

    Hi all, I was recommended to come over here relating to my idea, I am alresdy planning on buying the shrader manual on the swap, stock 2V with a 4R70w ———> 6R80, pretty much asking if anyone knows of anything else they had to do to run the transmission best.
  4. TTSaleen

    Testing out the 2-step from N2MB

    Finally got the N2MB working in my TTSaleen. This is tied into my transbrake button. My video didn't show the latest picture with the 10k pull-down resistor on the trigger wire side. This keeps the wire at zero (grounded) until activated and makes the unit work properly for me.

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