It depends what you want to do. AFR has 165 heads. One with pedestal mount rockers and the other with adjustable! Your lift on an AFR is restricted to .550. On the other side of the spectrum you have twisted wedge by trickflow with pedestal or studs. The maximum lift is .600.
Pedestal mount rockers you would have to measure the ength of the push rod you need after a cam install. Stud mount rockers are a little more money however, more practical. More practical, in the sense that, anyone can take a feeler gauge and adjust the rockers between .000 and .005 valve lash
In my pinion your head selection should be based on CFM, or the amount of airflow you want through the chambers. This is why AFR is a good choice. They are already ported and ready to bolt on. Your next slection is the rocker. Pedestal, adjustable, 1.6, or 1.7. All these numbers plug into flow!!! Generally, a 1.6 is more stable thn a 1.7. In essence, we can try to help you understand the formalities. The question is where do you want to go and how fast. The bottomline is money. You want to save some bucks, get the crate engine and install your intake and injector's. Otherwise, dig deep and put it together yourself.
If you put it together yourself, it could be painful. If you don't give up, you'll be driving your combination with numbers you plugged yourself.
If you want something already planned. Get you a Holley Systemax system or a TrickFlow total power package! I see those cars around town all day and they run great. They sure give me a run for my money.