Window motor issue

Five O

New Member
Mar 6, 2014
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Melbourne, FL
So last week I rolled my driver window down and it wouldn't go back up. I can hear a clicking sound inside the panel somewhere, but nothing happens. I figured it was a dead motor, went to work and came back out later and for the hell of it tried the window and it rolled up. Had the car at the shop getting crap fixed on the rear end today and the mechanic who didn't know about the problem (I forgot to mention it) rolled that window down and lo and behold, it won't go back up again now.

I tried turning the key off and on tonight, about an hour ago while it's pitch black outside; something that freaked me out a little, however, was a flash of light inside the door panel a couple of times when I tried the switch, telling me it's sparking somewhere. The motor worked great before it crapped out, so I'm thinking short inside the panel?

My car's had an issue of late with the voltage dropping and fluctuating in idle, with the lights dimming when my foot's off the gas. Could this be related to that or are they likely separate issues? I know I need a new serpentine belt so I thought maybe that was causing the issue.

Thanks for your help!


Nov 20, 2006
Reaction score
Kennesaw, Ga
If you hear it turning it sounds like the good ole common issue of the plastic bushings gone bad in there. I'm unsure of the spark though.

What rpm is your car idling on? Do you have under drive pulleys? That would explain your voltage drop at idle. Or your belt is stretched so far it's slipping bad. In that case though it sounds like the tensioner will be at fault also.
Five O

Five O

New Member
Mar 6, 2014
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Melbourne, FL
I know the belt is cracked and old, it needs replacing and I plan to do that on Monday when I'm off from work. I went and had the window fixed at the shop since I wasn't sure if it was a short and they said it was just the motor that was fried and the regulator was on the way out, which unfortunately scratched my tint when they pulled it all apart (D'OH!). I was planning on re-tinting it anyways, though, so no worries there (plus a louvre on the back).

The car does have underdrive pulleys, but the electrical issues seem to stem from something else to me-when I hit the power windows, the lights all dim slightly, telling me there's a drain somewhere and not enough charge going around. I'm not sure if it's a bad ground or if the alternator's just weak. I had the alt tested at Advance and they read it at 13, just barely there, so I wouldn't be surprised if it's the alternator. RPM at idle is about 600ish.

Question: Is it a good idea to throw a 200 amp on the car since it has pulleys? Will that compensate for the drain on the alternator or will it not matter really? I intend to replace the alt, but I figured I might as well upgrade at the same time.


Nov 20, 2006
Reaction score
Kennesaw, Ga
I know the belt is cracked and old, it needs replacing and I plan to do that on Monday when I'm off from work. I went and had the window fixed at the shop since I wasn't sure if it was a short and they said it was just the motor that was fried and the regulator was on the way out, which unfortunately scratched my tint when they pulled it all apart (D'OH!). I was planning on re-tinting it anyways, though, so no worries there (plus a louvre on the back).

The car does have underdrive pulleys, but the electrical issues seem to stem from something else to me-when I hit the power windows, the lights all dim slightly, telling me there's a drain somewhere and not enough charge going around. I'm not sure if it's a bad ground or if the alternator's just weak. I had the alt tested at Advance and they read it at 13, just barely there, so I wouldn't be surprised if it's the alternator. RPM at idle is about 600ish.

Question: Is it a good idea to throw a 200 amp on the car since it has pulleys? Will that compensate for the drain on the alternator or will it not matter really? I intend to replace the alt, but I figured I might as well upgrade at the same time.

If it looks like your idling at 600 and your having dim lights those under drive pullies are your problem. If your alt only registered at 13 I'm going to bet that under drive set had a part in your alternators demise.

I would ditch those pullies ASAP!!!!!
Five O

Five O

New Member
Mar 6, 2014
Reaction score
Melbourne, FL
Can pullies cause a car to actually die completely in idle? It's happened before and the battery light came on and took a minute to start; made me think alternator. I guess if they're both problems, however, they could be working in tandem against my car.

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