ok guys how the hell do i get the freaking dipstick back in?? i pulled it out when i took my heads off but i cant get the bastard to go back in. whats the trick??
well i ahve heard it is possible to get the stock one back in but i have also heard that it takes three people to get it in. let me know how you do it because ima be doing it in about a week.
i broke 2 of those fuckers on my first pi swap...i then found the Lokar adjustable 4.6 dipstick tube at Summit for like $40...it will make your life easier!
I knew exactly what you were going to say when I ready the subject.
It's a bitch. a helper is the easiest way, one holds the head in place, the other guides the dam dipstick in the block, while the other
says "Hurry, this bitch is getting heavy"
The adjustable on is nice, it can also be put on seperate from the heads.
ok guys how the hell do i get the freaking dipstick back in?? i pulled it out when i took my heads off but i cant get the bastard to go back in. whats the trick??
well i just said F*&K it and bought the lokar flexible dipstick for the modular v8's. 50 bucks shipped to the door. wonder if i can drive the car around without one on the car for a few days till it gets here?? so should i just sit and wait till it gets here. how long did it take for you guys to get yours??
mine came in a few days also...summit is pretty fast. Do you have billet underhood dress up pieces because this Lokar piece is very nice and will add to the look.
i didnt unbolt the exhaust headers when i pulled the heads. i took them off with the heads. the dipstick runs through the headers and through the engine mount. so its a pain the dick to get through those places with the heads already on. you got to at least have another person to guide the dam thing in the hole while you lower the heads into place.
well i got my dipstick or should i say dipstick's in the mail. they sent me two sets. at first i thought it was like a eng/ trans package but i didnt think we had a trans dipstick. do we?? anyways ill probably sell the other one for a good price. it cost me 50 bucks shipped so i would do like 40 shipped to your door.
haha that happened to me with some tail lights my gf ordered for my bday a few years ago...i sold one set and put the other in my garage so my girl thinks i will someday install them.