Blackfang, my response was not directed to you personally, I hope you understand that. It was not meant to challenge your dealings with Jeff.
I made that post because if someone wants to buy from him, they should look around and see what experiences others have had. Your experiences may differ from mine or someone Elses. People have a right to know that your experience isn't the only one.
What I won't do is make a personal attack on you

or anyone else for that matter or provide free advertising for anyone, especially someone that has no warehouse and will charge you 5 or 10% over his cost to make a quick buck while getting product sideways and not selling with a dealer agreement. People like that can't even do business on EBay. They get shut down because authorized dealers won't take it. Business practices like that flat out de-value whatever products they are selling and in the end, it hurt an entire brand or product segment. It takes more than one seller, but it's the truth. Working for a huge company where you can see it up close and personal can leave quite an impression.
I was probably the first person Jeff ripped off when he moved to Florida from New Jersey. It even seemed like we were friends. Whatever...
In my opinion, his work ain't that good. Look at his own car. Hell, he just about burned it to the ground and as far as I know it hasn't made a pass down the track in 10 years. That says a lot right there.
He's was rippin people off before Nitrostang Racing even existed by selling broken electronics like fms extenders. I saw that first hand... How many websites has he been banned from advertising on? You may not know but I can say it's more than 3 and it wasn't because of just one disgruntled customer. There are plenty of people he has walked on.
If you want to know about my personal relationship with Jeff, shoot me a PM. I'll be glad to discuss it with you or anyone else...