The AODE in my 95 GT has a severe case of the shudders. Locally, there is a trans from 2000 2WD Ford Explorer that is available. It has 90,000 miles on it. My plan is to switch out the wiring harness and extension housing from my AODE to the 4R70W, check the accumulator pistons, possibly replace the solenoids with like units, replace the seals at the extension housing and output shaft and buy a new TC.
Is this the best trans to get for my car, or should I go with the same model year V6 tranny?
WIll I have any problems switching extension housings?
Anything else I need to do?
Is this the best trans to get for my car, or should I go with the same model year V6 tranny?
WIll I have any problems switching extension housings?
Anything else I need to do?