Come on guys, that is not rice. You know damn well what rice is, thats just a kid who wanted his car to stand out. Now if he had a 5 inch folgers can tip, more "Speed vents" than you could shake a stick at, and euro tails with the carbon fiber wong and NAWWWWWS stickers all over it, then it would be rice. :dancing6:
I cant go any other way on this, Im a diehard Ford fan and cant stand imports, call me silly or hard headed but thats the way I am. I guess a part of it is because all the imports ive ever come across have been driven by some punk ass kid who dont know shit and thinks his lawnmotor engine is superior to anything else on the road. I know its not fair to judge all the others on the road from my past encounters but...........nothing has ever changed. IMPORTS SUCK!!!!!!