I don't know if this will help you but it won't hurt.
"Mark, the 94's do have electric fans and this is most likely the cause based on the described symptoms. Arod, you might have to do some diagnostics to find out why if the fan doesn't work. This is a very complex system, doubly so if it has A/C. Obviously check all your fuses, especially the 60 amp fan fuse, there is a fan control relay that is fairly cheap if you would like to try and plug one in to see if that fixes it, you could also check for power and ground with a test light at the fan motor when it is close to overheating (so that you know the fan should be on) if it has power and ground but the fan is not spinning, then the motor is likely bad. Beyond that, the system is controled by the Powertrain Control Module (the main computer) based on inputs from the coolant temp sensor and A/C demands so you would need a good working knowlege of electrical system, wiring schematics, scan tool, voltmeter, etc.
One other thing, it is imperitive you have a 50/50 coolant/water mix in the cooling system and a radiator cap that holds proper pressure. Parts of the engine run hotter than the boiling temp of plain water so without coolant or a working pressure cap, the water can boil at these spots and therefor push the rest of the water right out through the radiator cap relief valve! Suddenly there is less water, causing more overheat, causing more boiling...big vicious cycle causing endless boil-overs and overheating. "
Good luck.