Whatever you hear about explorers and roll overs is true, they roll very easily. My wife was driving us home from a friends house last weekend, hit a patch of black ice & started to fishtail. I grabbed the wheel from her to steer us out of oncoming traffic. I tried bury it into a snow filled ditch, but once we hit the shoulder of the highway the back right tire popped off the bead, and we rolled twice down the shoulder of the road. We both walked away with minor injuries, but the worst part is that 3 cars drove past without stopping, including the van that we almost hit. What is wrong with people . If you see something like that happen right in front of you, don't you think that you would stop and ask if they needed help. Anyway, we are lucky to be alive. Thank god we were both wearing seatbelts because the airbags never deployed. Without seatbelts she would have been pinned by the crushed roof, and I would have been ejected. I only had the explorer for 5 months, oh well now I am looking to find a ranger. I can get more use from a truck anyway. Vehicles can be replaced, lives can't.
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