i, too, am a college student looking to make my car faster on a limited budget. not so sure about heads and intakes for 5.0 because i never really looked in to it. some of the mods that i've heard have the most bang for the buck are gears and nitrous. i looked into both of these options. for gears all said and done is about $500. thats $160 for the rack and pinion, $75 for the bearing kit, and around $250 for labor. the rest is the cost for fluids and the such. another option i have looked into is nitrous. i found a NX wet kit for around $600 for the kit itself. with a 75 shot, it has been said you can spray safely without a tune. from just doing research and reading around, it seems that these two mods are the best bang for the buck. to me, $500 still sounds like a lot but im not sure just what kind fo budget you are on