i was thinking of picking up some underdrive pullies.....which do u recommend and why? Also did u fell any gains with them? How hard was they install?
94twinscrew said:If you're going to run them,get the nitrade steel ones,because the aluminum eventually wear and will steeda water pump pulley imploaded after two years of driving,and left me stranded in a parking lot :comando: Gains are like 10hp at best,but if you're staying NA,it's an option at least. If you're radiator is old,you will notice cooling issues in the summer.......and they're not "system" friendly at idle.
Both claims of poor charging and cooling are very warranted,mainly the cooling,but guys with systems,and a lot of aftermarket accessories,hate them most. Skipping the alt pulley helps the charging issue,but it is still kinda present.....because the smaller crank pulley still turns everything slower,so at idle the voltage regulator has to work a little harder than it normally would. (but it's still better than with the UD alt pulley)Wes8398 said:I was shopping for a used set a while back, and decided against them mainly because of all the troubles I read about with charging issues and also cooling issues after installing them. The solution to charging issues was just to skip the alternator's underdrive pully since it didn't contribute to gains much anyway. The cooling issues I never really got any straight information on. Don't know how it's caused or what can prevent it. I do have a few questions though, since this seems to be the appropriate place to ask. What exactly is the "piggy-back" style? Are the claims of having cooling/charging issues warranted, or due to other factors? Solutions?
>jpajkos said:Spend your coins on what? An STI?