Side question... I always through that the "parade boot" was a term for a hard cover used on older convertibles so that in a parade someone could sit on the hard boot with their feet on the bottom of the back seat and be seen while doing the "parade wave" - (elbow, elbow, wrist, wrist...).
The only covers I've seen on an SN95 are the soft ones, which I've always heard referred to as simply a cover or a soft cover. If there was an option for a hard cover that would be potentially interesting, though I've never even tried to install the soft cover that came with mine even once, so yeah. I just drop the top and enjoy the drive (well, when ever I can with our weather around here...) and then the top goes right back up again when I park. If I had a garage to store it in, that would be different, but that's a topic for a different thread that mostly contains complaining about the sad state of the economy and my lack of $$$.