Finished my head install, starter is sluggish...


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Jan 14, 2006
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Hey guys, my problem is as my title states, I finished up my head install today finally around 9:30, got in the car, bumped it over, sounded good so I tried to start her up. The thing is I, hear the solenoids click on, get a good 1 or 2 cranks from the starter then nothing or else real slow turning, I figured it was my battery so I charged her up and it didn't work still. SO I tried replacing the battery with the one from my honda, still a no go. My lights and wipers are both working fine and bright when the key is on run. The warning chime is loud and all the lights on my gauges work bright. My dome light goes out when I try to crank though.

So after the battery didnt work I went down the list...

-Checked all connections at the battery, made sure nothing was corroded and clamps were fully seated and tightened.

-Checked starter bolts and connections.

-Checked for fuel pump turning on, and made sure the shut off switch was set.

-Made sure engine wasnt siezed, rotated it manually.

-Put new gas in, a loong shot but you never know.

So after doing the basic checks does anyone have any idea what my problem may be. My gut says the starter is the problem, but im not sure if it's that or if my battery is just too weak...

Thanks for any help you can give me...


Mar 28, 2006
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Check your ground strap from the engine to the frame. And then check all the wires again. I highly doubt its the battery. If it worked fine before the swap, thats just too much of a coincedence. Good Luck

Also put a meter on the starter to see if its getting 12V. try to jump it witha screwdriver across the terminals? If that works then you know the problem isn't your starter, it s in the wiring from the batt to the starter. If that doesn't work or you aren't getting 12V to the starter then it sounds like a ground issue. This is only if your getting 12V from the battery.



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Jan 14, 2006
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So you think having my car sit in my garage, since may last year, may have corroded my grounds to my engine, Ill check them.

The wires on the starter, quick question.

The ground wire goes on the bottom bolt, in between the outside of starter and the lower mounting bolt, correct? The upper bolt my memory is foggy though. When I removed it I dont remember if there was an o connector for the positive wire on the top bolt(a wire like the negative), or if that is all taken care of underneath the red dust cap on the top of the starter, and I just thread the top bolt without a wire going to it.

I realize that was probrobly confusing but Im not sure, just seeing if you can help.

Someone else is telling me that maybe my valvetrain is adjusted to tight. Does anyone see any possible truth to this?


Mar 28, 2006
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Kiljosh said:
So you think having my car sit in my garage, since may last year, may have corroded my grounds to my engine, Ill check them.

The wires on the starter, quick question.

The ground wire goes on the bottom bolt, in between the outside of starter and the lower mounting bolt, correct? The upper bolt my memory is foggy though. When I removed it I dont remember if there was an o connector for the positive wire on the top bolt(a wire like the negative), or if that is all taken care of underneath the red dust cap on the top of the starter, and I just thread the top bolt without a wire going to it.

I realize that was probrobly confusing but Im not sure, just seeing if you can help.

Someone else is telling me that maybe my valvetrain is adjusted to tight. Does anyone see any possible truth to this?

Oh man I knew you were gonna ask me this kinda question. If memory serves me correct, its pretty obvious which wire goes where becaus eof the size. I don't think you would be able to turn it over by hand if there were an obstruction in the valvetrain.
A freind of mine just completed a 408stroker swap into a 2002 GT. His motor has 13-1 compression and a stock Autozone starter started it, well it died after 4 times, but you get my point...:)


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Jan 14, 2006
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Haha 4 times, thats the shit.

Well, I figured my starter out, so dumb what I asked, very obvious where the positive/negative is located. I have it all figured out, just need to buy a starter. Im looking at mini starters, but I can only find them for a 4.6. The starter bolts to the tranny though, so as long as its for an AODE/4r70W it should fit :naughty:?

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