Black DD FR500s hands down, as stated (a couple of times) ditch the mud flaps asap. I really like the color of your car, that green is really nice but have you considered ditching the vinal as well? I think it would look much better with out the "graphics," stickers are for ricers and track only race cars. I think since you have a street car you should keep it looking that way, peel that stuff off man! Show us your cars inner beauty.
Ps sell those rims/tires to some import punk on ebay and let us know how much you got him to overpay for them, uggggghhhhhh those look gross. If you end up running into $$ problems and cant finance the new rims/tires then please get some wheel spacers! They are not that expensive.
18in tires are however expensive, so you could always settle for a 17in combo.
Another word of advice, I have polished aluminum cobra r's from AFS and they suck balls. Such a pain in the ass to keep clean and even after they are cleaned I know they are only 2 stops away from being black again. Go with chrome hypercoated or painted. Others on this site have purchased wheel sealer to seal their wheels. Ive reseached this myself and it turns out that the finish on our rims gets really beat up by brake dust and road debris. The stuff is affordable, cheaper than a tank of gas and from what I have heard it makes a world of a difference. I have never been able to hose the crap off of my rims, its been clean-let dry-clean-let dry-polish-polish-polish-polish then take it in because they'll be f-ed up in no time and the process has to repeat itself.
Sorry from the long post but listen to me, polished aluminum rims suck if you use them for your DD and if you have to go with them get them clear coated or Zoop sealed or something before you put tires on them.
Feel free to pm me with any q's