what you mean what did i do. i did my interior that was all f%^k up when i bought the car. i thought it looked pretty good to me. i like making things mine. why not change it, make something yours, that's whose car it is correct. why have something that looks like someone Else's. now the gauges, that was a bad idea i can agree on that. my old gauges didn't work at all. i liked the whole digital look. I tried making my own holder lol not so easily. i am going to buy the one that is already made. but you learn from your mistakes. i like the sub incloser tho, works every good, it has a blow thorough sounds good in the car. And i dint know if you seen my other post but the paint is another story. It was sapost to be way darker. which in the can it looked almost black of coarse it isn't dark at all, but i guess that's what i get for experimenting with weird colors lol you live and you learn.