Its only a couple bucks to get them and yeah, it'd be some insurance against detonation. I never needed them. I just closed the gap on my stock heat range plugs to .035 instead of .052." Here is a chart for ya with the part numbers
Stock E7 heads:
stock--stock 25 (5) [14m, .460 Reach, 5/8" Hex]
1 step colder--24 (4) [14m, .460 Reach, 5/8" Hex]
2 step colder--23 (3) [14m, .460 Reach, 5/8" Hex]
-----AR133 (3) [*recessed tip, racing plug]
-----AR132 (2) [*recessed tip, racing plug]
-----AR131 (1) [*recessed tip, racing plug]
stock--(UR45) 6945 (Heat Range - 4) [14m, .460 Reach, 5/8" Hex]
1 step colder--(UR55) 2248 (5) [14m, .460 Reach, 5/8" Hex]
2 step colder--(UR6) 7773 (6) [14m, .460 Reach, 5/8" Hex]
-----(R5673-8) 3249 (8) [*recessed tip, racing plug]
-----(R5673-9) 3442 (9) [*recessed tip, racing plug]
-----(R5673-10) 4050 (10) [*recessed tip, racing plug]
In my book on a 5.0, Autolite or Motorcraft is the only way to go for plugs. I've never tried NGKs simply b/c I don't want to pay for them. STAY AWAY FROM PLATINUM PLUGS ALTOGETHER. if you got out and buy plugs...make SURE you're getting the right ones. Open one of them right there and LOOK at the threads. I've seen too many guys try to buy Autolite 3924s for a car with stock heads. The reach on them is 3/4" of an inch which is WAY too long. Those are for aluminum heads...NOT E7E's. Just walk into the parts store and tell them you want a set of Autolite 24's...NOT 3924s....just 24s. take a plug out of your car in there with you to compare the two if you're unsure of the threads. As far as the gap.....035" should be good...if you got an upgraded ignition, you might be able to get .040" out them...depending on how much you're squeezin'.