OK, so as promised Im starting up on my build thread. For the sake of history I have to give a little back story on the car, so the beginning of the thread will be kind of slow going but I will try to get up to speed as soon as possible. On to the story. I came home from my first tour in Afghanistan in 2011, around March time. I bought my first mustang in august. It was a 2002 GT. Bought it from a shady car lot, needed tires, clutch, heater core, all kinds of crap but it looked cool and sounded great and it was a mustang. Car came with a 30 day drivetrain warranty. When I found out it needed a clutch I took it back to the guy and it sat at his shop for 2 weeks. I finally said F**K you and took the car back and did my own clutch. Then the 32nd day of owning it the car overheated and shut off. I let it cool down and started it back up to find out it was tapping/rattling something awful. Took it home, pulled the engine, found out the intake manifold was cracked, did a top end rebuild because I thought it was a valve related issue. That meant brand new loaded heads with cams and a new intake manifold. Put it together and to my surprise at the time it still tapped just as loud. I got angry, real angry. So to prevent me from torching the car in my field I traded it to my neighbor for a 1994 F150 that had 5k worth of paint. Then I found a guy that had my current GT and needed a truck. He had beaten, abused, and neglected this car, but it was a mustang and it had potential. So I traded my F150 for this 98 GT.
First Mustang

The trade

Then came my 98. I don't have any pictures of the day I got it but at this point I had put the bullitt wheels and headlights on it. Cant tell very well in this picture but it had been in a small front end wreck or something because the hood is a couple shades darker than the rest

I will be posting more on this today. Just bear with me till I get my pictures caught up.
First Mustang

The trade

Then came my 98. I don't have any pictures of the day I got it but at this point I had put the bullitt wheels and headlights on it. Cant tell very well in this picture but it had been in a small front end wreck or something because the hood is a couple shades darker than the rest

I will be posting more on this today. Just bear with me till I get my pictures caught up.