Earlier today I went to go back my 97GT out of the garage today and I couldn't get the tranny to go into reverse. No grinding, nothing, just wouldn't go. It's almost like there is something in the way ,but my reverse lights were on. I can easialy shift through 1-5. Never had any trouble out of this tranny (130,000 miles on it). After letting it sit for a few hours I went out and drove it around some, and since it was late and im frustrated I was pretty hard on it and then when going into 2nd it grinded (syncro sound) and a loud pop, but now I have reverse..... well as happy as I am that reverse is back im still confused. I plan on pulling the tranny out next week and opening it up and having a look. While I am an experienced mechanic, I don't have alot of time under my belt when it comes to transmissions. What do you think?