Credit cards SUCK ASS! First of all DONT DO IT, and second of all heres my credit card story:
I thought it would be all good getting one and doing this "pay off the bill as soon as it comes" BS, FUCK that, i will never get a credit card because i've learned you shouldnt buy shit unless you have the money to buy it, because of this, I got a credit card when i was in college, it was the special "college student" offer and all that razz and it was all online and stuff, well they allowed you to pay online for your payments and every month and stuff, well i payed the 200 the day the online bill showed up and forgot about it, "set it and forget it" right? NO! They fucked me by LYING, and saying that i messed up my account number and didnt take the money. Long story short, i tried to pay it and they bambooxled me and last time i checked it was like 950 that i owed them, THATS 750 IN FEE'S. Just so happened that i lost my job at the time right after i found out that they screwed up and i couldnt pay anything.
Long story shorter, DONT DO IT, and personally i will never fuck with credit cards again.
Baaaad idea. :gtfo:
Just wait for it man and save up, in the long run you will have your kit and everything will be fine, DEBT RUINS LIVES!