Knowing what model your transmission is, your tire diameter maps out to 24.5" - see 1st graph below. Can you post what the actual tire size is from the sidewall info to confirm? Based on the adjusted tire size, I posted 3.08 and 2.73 rear speeds in gears in 2nd and 3rd graph.
You would have been better off with the TKX with the .68 overdrive or much better off with a T56 with 2 overdrives.
Changing only the rear gear, it pains me to say that your best setup for cruising would be with a 2.73 axle ratio.
Unfortunately Tremec changed the highest available overdrive ratio from .64 to the .68 when they changed from the TKO-600 to TKX, even though EVERYTHING ELSE about the TKX is MUCH better.
Current speeds in gears:
Speeds in gears with 3.08
Speeds in gears with 2.73